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Dear Howard, dear Orit

Dear Howard, dear Orit
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Dear Howard, dear Orit,

My thoughts have been with you a lot over the past few months.
They say that it is nature for a child to loose its parents when the time comes, but that does not mean that we miss their presence any less. I came to notice the different stages one goes trough after loosing a loved one. My sisters and I have tried to prolong my parents presence by leaving their house more or less untouched. After talking to you some time ago, when your mother was still with you, and you were telling about the work you were doing in her house, we too took the decision that the time had come to empty our parents house. But until today we still did not agree on a day, although every family meeting it is on top of the list. We keep on postponing, and I guess unconsciously we are trying to avoid reliving the painful memories from the past. We have all come to accept that our parents had a nice life, and we charish the memories of the times when they were still able to enjoy life to the full. We do not want any confrontation with the wigs that our mother hated so much, but were necessary. Or the toilet seat in the bedroom, that was proof of their shrinking habitat, which in the good days was the world.

We often take life for granted, but it can take just a fraction if a second when one falls, to change everything. That is the painfull part of life, but also the beauty. It makes one realize that we can never take life for granted, but one must celebrate life, and the loved once around us, every chance we get.

You are such warm people. It seems like the bonds you have with each other and with your surroundings are very strong. I will never forget the wonderful dinner at your mothers home, Orit. Thank you for letting us share that moment with you.

Wishing you only the best in life.

Kinds regards,
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