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Hi Maja, Julia and Łucja

Hi Maja, Julia and Łucja
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Hi Maja, Julia and Łucja
What do you think about this project? For me it’s a lot of fun and I like it. I’m very happy and excited to meet you and learn some interesting things about you.
I think you want to know something about me too. First I’m really curious about the type of music you listen to. As for me I like pop. I often listen to Alec Benjamin. For now, he’s my favourite performer. When it comes to movies, I prefer horrors or thrillers. And you?
In my free time I like to spend time on watching films, playing computer games and a short walks. I used to ride horses a lot, but now I’m a little bit tired of this. Now, tell me about your hobbies and interests.
I really Like Christmas. I often spend this time with my family and sometimes with friends. And do you like Christmas, too? How do you spend this time?
I hope you happy and I wish you Merry Christmas full of fun for you and your family! And have a wonderful Christmas time.
I can’t wait for your answer. :)

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