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I know that this card is not as staggering as your works are however, I hope you'll like it

I know that this card is not as staggering as your works are however, I hope you
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Dear Dorian,
I know that this card is not as staggering as your works are however, I hope you'll like it!
It's the thought that counts!
On this pre-Christmas day, I want to take a minute to appreciate how AWESOME you are!
I also want you to know that I hold you in my estimation. You are an amazing person!
Every time you smile, I smile too!
You never refuse to help those in need. T
hat's just beautiful.
This and every Christmas I want you to feel loved! <3
I wish you and your family Merry, Merry Christmas!

P.S. Remember, you can always count on me!
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