Like a river that flows silently through the world
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I love you…
Like a river that flows silently through the world
Like trees, beautiful at any time of the year
Like birds, singing as a gift
Like butterflies, gracefully dancing in the sky.
I love you…
Like books, read so often
Like a dance carrying my feet
Like singing from the heart
Like music, enchanted in my soul.
I love you…
Like the wind in my hair
Like raindrops on my hands
Like the sun's rays on my face.
I love you so much…
And I would like to tell you this every day
Stworzonych dzisiaj: 30
Stworzonych wczoraj: 128
Stworzonych 7 dni: 690
Stworzonych 30 dni: 3332
Wszystkich kartek: 1670594
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