Nicky de Wit together with a family 🥳
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Nicky de Wit together with a family 🥳
Please confirm your arrival by 15.06.2024 at the phone numbers provided in the invitation. We also need to know whether or not to book a hotel room for you. Both the wedding ceremony and the wedding party will take place at the same address : Dom przyjęć Queen, Polna 21, 44-350 Gorzyce, Polska.
. The wedding ceremony begins at 2:00 p.m. Until what time will we continue the wedding's depends only on the wedding guests 🍹🥃🥂🍻
Stworzonych dzisiaj: 7
Stworzonych wczoraj: 169
Stworzonych 7 dni: 562
Stworzonych 30 dni: 1329
Wszystkich kartek: 1607556
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