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The spell of love
It usually started, banally,
Exchanging glances from hiding.
It got cool at heart
A greater desire came to life.
The world has gained new colors
And the birds were merrily singing.
I felt that the heat was burning me,
Which I didn't know before.
I wanted to be close to you
Look once in your eyes.
I felt good in heaven
I thought my heart would pop out.
It is impossible to express it
By words known to us so far.
Because there are no two such people
That they would have the same data.
As soon as that little spark,
The hot flame will change.
The feeling will be born great
We will be happier on earth.
Stworzonych dzisiaj: 169
Stworzonych wczoraj: 95
Stworzonych 7 dni: 581
Stworzonych 30 dni: 1355
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