Wishes are something very important
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Dear Mareczek!
Wishes are something very important
- especially on your Birthday.
So, I wish you as much peace,
as much as you need.
So much madness,
So that life doesn't seem boring.
So much happiness,
So that you don't go mad
from an excess of it,
Love above all else,
so that you never feel sad
and never feel lonely among people.
May you always have bright days ahead
and a loving heart by your side.
In a nutshell: happy birthday,
much, much health, love,
happy and joyful days,
satisfaction and continued success
in your work
and that your fondest dreams come true...
Mom Basia
Stworzonych dzisiaj: 9
Stworzonych wczoraj: 58
Stworzonych 7 dni: 270
Stworzonych 30 dni: 971
Wszystkich kartek: 1607090
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